Notice regarding P.G Admission in Home Science

    Dated:- 13-10-2020



     It is notified for the information of all such candidates who have applied for P.G Admission in Home Science for different specializations for the session 2020, that their counseling has been fixed on 15-10-2020 (Thursday) in the office chamber of the undersigned. It is mandatory for all the students to attend the same along with all original relevant documents. Students to check  their merit on University website.


        S.No                           Timing


      S.No. 1 -25                  10:00 a.m

      S.No. 26-50                  12:00 noon  

      S.No. 51- to 78             2:00 p.m


                                                                                                                       Prof. Nilofer Khan



Copy to:-

  1.  Media, Advisor with the requested for publication of  the notice in daily news paper  Greater Kashmir  tommorrow  positively ;


  1. University Website.