Walk in Interview for engagement Mother and Maid for the Day Care Centre
Walk in Interview
The Institute is to engage “Mother” and “Maid” for the Day Care Centre. A walk in interview will be held in the office chamber of the undersigned in the Institute of Home Science, University of Kashmir on 31-10-2022 at 2:00 p.m for aforesaid positions. The prescribed qualification for the “Maid” is at least Matric and for the “Mother” is Graduate and should be trained in Pre-Primary School Education. The appointment will be on hire and fire basis on consolidated salary of Rs. 7000/= for Mother and Rs. 5000/= for Maid. The desirous candidates should come with an application along with relevant documents like qualification certificate and experience certificate if any (in original as well as Photostat). No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidate for this purpose.